

Alphabet is a laboratory where, together with continuously updated skills in all the disciplines which support our work (sociology, psychology, anthropology, ethnology, linguistics, semiotics), there is long experience in market research.

This knowledge translates into a passion for identifying the most relevant consumer insights, through these classic research approaches:


Traditional face-to-face interviews are still very effective when research topics have to be probed in more detail and at a deeper level. They are also particularly appropriate when respondents are asked questions they would not feel comfortable to answer openly in a group.


With reference to the discourse of brands, focus groups are one of the best tool to understand consumers’ point of view. A qualitative fieldwork by means of focus groups is often necessary to check communication issues – how ads are received by their audiences. Groups are interesting as they can reveal how brand stories circulate and tend to be discussed in a social context.


When a special grasp of people’s views and behaviour is needed, ethnographic research is our tool of choice. This involves participating in people's lives for a longer time (compared to interviews), listening to what is said, watching family members interact, etc. Ethnographic research is an analysis of social life and culture of a particular group based on detailed observations of what people actually do.


Any brand discourse, especially when it's in a video format, is conveyed by visual, verbal and sound signs, and the way they are woven together in order to produce narrative structures and mechanisms of persuasion. At Alphabet these studies are conducted with an innovative method called Semioscreen, which combines the scientific rigor of French semiotics with the pragmatic art of American screenwriters, allowing to provide powerful results and recommendations.


In order to support other brand initiatives – a re-launch, a new positioning strategy, an extension of range – Alphabet uses Co-Creation workshops. Consumers’ creativity is often a cause for surprise. The ability to use it correctly, and create environments where it can be shared directly with managers and researchers, may at times be decisive. Co-Creation can help companies make choices that correspond to people’s strongest expectations about a brand.



The continuous development of new technologies is changing the whole research landscape, providing extraordinary opportunities to better understand rapidly evolving consumers and citizens.

The main online tools we offer our clients are the following:


In this technology respondents can log on when they want over a set period of days or weeks. Participants type in their feedback on the research issues asynchronously, so they have time to think about what other respondents say. The method ensures a wide geographical reach and more in-depth transcripts than any other online qualitative approach.


These focus groups are video-based and combine the convenience of the web with the advantages of live interactive discussions. The system can simultaneously connect up to 8 respondents, who may participate from different cities/regions. The client can observe the groups and give feedback to the moderator separately from the group discussion. Full recording is immediately available at the end of the sessions.


With the tools for monitoring that are available today, the web should be seen as an immense focus group. And the most interesting fact is, on the web conversations about brands are not planned nor moderated – they occur spontaneously. We help companies listen to what web audiences say about their brands in blogs, communities, and social media, in order to discover all their potential strengths and/or unexpected weaknesses.


Every company works to build a solid reputation. However, on the web any comment, positive or negative, has the potential to spread like wildfire. Thus, it’s very important to keep an eye on what web users say about your business. Many tools exist now to get a constant feedback on real-time social mentions and sentiment about your company and its competitors, and they should be put to good use.


The tools for web monitoring can also offer precise indications on who the best influencers in your market are. People who are expert in your topics and spontaneous brand advocates are already talking on the web. The most valuable influencers can be reached and engaged in positive forms of relationship.


Alphabet also includes online quantitative research in its activity – especially in the case of integrated quali-quantitative projects. A qualitative phase often prepares the quantitative one, which is conducted exploiting all time and cost advantages attainable on the Web. The questionnaire language is conceived to work on the web (and tends to differ from the language used in traditional research methods).